
学术讲座 ( 方开泰 )


报告题目:Some Modern Optimization Methods in Statistics

报告人: 方开泰 教授


地点:腾讯会议 会议号:508 625 720



Abstract :Let f be a function of a domain G in R. It is required to find the global minimum M of f over G in many statistical problems such as regression analysis,maximum likelihood estimation, multivariate analysis and experimental design. Among these problems many of them need numerical optimization techniques.These problems have the following difficulties:

(1) the  objective function is nonlinear and has multi extrema;

(2) the function f is not differentiable or even not continuous in G;

(3) the dimension of f is higher;

(4) the domain G is  the surface of a special geometry mainfold;

(5) the domain is a finite set with a huge number of elements. It needs some powerful global optimization algorithms for solving those problems.

   In this talk I introduce/review two kinds of optimization methods:(a)sequential number-theoretic method for optimization (SNTO);(b)threshold accepting method that is a stochastic optimization methold;and give motivation to deep learning techniques in optimization. Some applications of those optimization methods in statistics are discussed.

