



















主要从事图论及其算法等方面研究工作,在SIAM J. Discrete Mathematics, J. Graph Theory等著名国际学术期刊上发表论文二十多篇,完成学术著作两本。在图的匹配理论,路圈理论,图划分算法和连通度算法等方向上取得系列成果,部分基础性成果被相关领域的专著和综述所引用。主持完成广东省自然科学基金项目两项,现主持广东省重点科研项目一项。


1. X. Zhang, R. Ma, J. Sun, & Z. B. Zhang (张赞波,通讯) (已在线). Randomized selection algorithm for online stochastic unrelated machines scheduling. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 1-16.

2. Z.-B. Zhang (张赞波), X. Zhang, G. Gutin, D. Lou. Hamiltonicity (2021.2), Pancyclicity and Full Cycle Extendability in Multipartite Tournaments, Journal of Graph Theory, 96(2), 171-191.

3. J. Liang, D. Lou, & Z.-B. Zhang (2021.2). The cubic graphs with finite cyclic vertex connectivity larger than girth. Discrete Mathematics, 344(2), 112197.

4. J. Ai, H. Lei, Y. Shi, S. Yao & Z.-B. Zhang (张赞波) (2020.10). k-Ary spanning trees contained in tournaments. Discrete Applied Mathematics 285, 141-146.

5. L. Wang, Y. Shi, Z. Zhang, Z. B. Zhang(张赞波)& Zhang, X. (2020.1). Approximation algorithm for a generalized Roman domination problem in unit ball graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization39(1), 138-148.

6. Z. Zhang(张赞波), Z. Chen. Length of cycles in generalized Petersen graphs. Acta Mathematics Universitatis Comenianae 88 (2019) 1093-1100. (2019.8)

7. J. Liang, B. Zeng, Q. Liu, Z. Zhang(张赞波,通讯), N. Nie. An improved algorithm based on KNN and random forest, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering (2019). ACM. (2019.10)

8. Zan-Bo Zhang(张赞波), X. Zhang, H. Broersma and D. Lou. Extremal and degree conditions for path extendability in digraphs. Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics 31.3 (2017) 1990-2014(SCI).

9. 唐彩虹, 张赞波. 激光遥感图像乘性噪声降噪技术现代电子技术, 2017, 40(20), 98-100.

10. J. Liang, D. Lou, and Zan-Bo Zhang(张赞波). A polynomial time algorithm for cyclic vertex connectivity of cubic graphs. International Journal of Computer Mathematics (SCI), 94-7 (2017) 1501-1514.

11. X. Zhang, Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波,通讯作者), H. Broersma and X. Wen. On the complexity of edge-colored subgraph partitioning problems in network optimization. Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (SCI), 17-3 (2016), 227-244.

12. 陈燕升, 张赞波, 一种优化的可能性测度计算树逻辑检测模型, 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》, 2015, 54(4), 49-54.

13. 陈燕升, 张赞波, 改进的最小链接负载均衡调度算法, 《计算机系统应用》, 2015, 24(7), 88-92.

14. Z. Gan, D. Lou, Zan-Bo Zhang(张赞波), X. Wen. Bipartite double cover and perfect 2-matching covered graph with its algorithm. Frontiers of Mathematics in China 10 (2015): 621-634 (SCI).

15. B. Xu, X. Yu, X. Zhang and Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波). An SDP approximation algorithm for max hypergraph cut with limited unbalance. Science China Mathematics 57 (2014), 2437-2462 (SCI). (该论文作者名按姓氏排序。)

16. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), X. Zhang. Triangle strings: structures for augmentation of vertex disjoint triangle sets. Information Processing Letter 114 (2014), 450-456 (SCI).

17. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), X. Zhang and X. Wen. Directed Hamilton cycles in digraphs and matching alternating Hamilton cycles in bipartite graphs. Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics 27 (2013) 274-289 (SCI).

18. 李均豪, 张赞波, 代谢反应网络可视化系统的力导向布局算法设计, 《计算机仿真》2012, 29 (11), 47-50, 94. 参加20129月举行的第十二届中国虚拟现实大会.

19. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), X. Zhang, D. Lou and X. Wen. Minimum size of n-factor-critical graphs and k-extendable graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics 28(2012) 433-448 (SCI).

20. X. Wen, Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波) and D. Lou, M-alternating paths and the construction of defect n-extendable bipartite graphs with different connectivity. Discrete Mathematics 311(2011) 817-826 (SCI).

21. X. Zhang, Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波, 通讯作者), X. Lu and J. Li. Degree and connectivity conditions for IM-extendibility and vertex-deletable IM-extendibility. Ars Combinatoria 95(2010) 437-444 (SCI).

22. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), Y. Li and D. Lou. M-alternating Hamilton paths and M-alternating Hamilton cycles. Discrete Mathematics 309 (2009) 3385-3392 (SCI).

23. X. Wen, Z. Yang and Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波). Construction characterizations for defect n-extendable bipartite graphs. AKCE Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 6 (2009) 353-360.

24. Q.-M. Wang, Y. Tang and Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波). Research in Enterprise Applications of Dynamic Web Service Composition Methods and Models. In ISECS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 Second International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security - Volume 01, 146-150, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 2009 (EI).

25. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), D. Lou. Notes on bipartite graphs with a perfect matching and digraphs. Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 3 (2009) 87-96.

26. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), D. Lou and X. Zhang. Notes on factor-criticality, extendibility and independence number. Ars Combinatoria 87 (2008) 139-146 (SCI).

27. Zhang X., Wang C., Sun Z. and Zhang Zanbo (张赞波). A new Image encryption scheme based on two-dimensional CA joint with CWQ method. 南京师大学报 (自然科学版), 31卷第1, 1-7, 2008.3.

28. Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波), T. Wang and D. Lou. Equivalence between extendibility and factor-criticality. Ars Combinatoria 85(2007) 279-285 (SCI).

29. 邵亮, 李磊, 张赞波. 评估无级电话网选路方案的一个解析模型. 通信学报, 24卷第2, 38-44, 2003.2 (EI).



1. Zanbo Zhang (张赞波). Paths, cycles and related partition problems in graphs. University of Twente, 2017.

2. X. Zhang and Zan-Bo Zhang (张赞波). Some Advanced Topics of Graph Partitioning and Matching Problems. Science Press. 2016.

3. 吴绍根,邓伟林,张赞波,孙素云,C语言程序设计案例教程,清华大学出版社,2010.


任美国数学会《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)和欧洲数学会《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt MATH)评论员。





1. 2016.8,中科院数学与系统科学研究院,第7届世界华人数学家大会,25分钟英文报告 “Cycles and Paths in Digraphs and Random Digraphs”.

2. 2019.82019欧洲组合、图论与应用大会(EuroComb2019)25分钟英文报告“Length of cycles in generalized Petersen graphs”.

3. 2018.3,获南开大学陈省身数学研究所“访问学者计划”资助访问该所,1小时报告“Cycles and Paths of Every Length in Digraphs”.

4. 2015.11,荷兰特文特大学,1小时英文报告“Cycle Problems and Path Problems in Digraphs”.

5. 2021.1 南京师范大学,1小时在线报告“Cycle and Path Properties in Tournaments and 2-Paths”.

6. 2020.12 河北师范大学,1小时在线报告“Algorithms for cyclic vertex connectivity in regular graphs”.

7. 2020.11 西北工业大学,1小时在线报告“Algorithms for cyclic vertex connectivity of graphs”.

8. 2019.12,闽南师范大学,2019图论及其应用研讨会,邀请报告“Cycle Lengths in Generalized Petersen Graphs”.

9. 2019.11,访问河北师范大学,1小时报告“Cycles and paths of every possible length in Digraphs”.

10. 2019.10,访问南京师范大学,1小时报告“Cycles in Generalized Petersen Graphs”.

11. 2019.8,访问山东大学,1小时报告“Length of Cycles in Generalized Petersen Graphs”.

12. 2019.72019广东省组合图论会议,半小时报告“Cycles in generalized Petersen graphs”.

13. 2019.6,西北工业大学,第四届西安国际图论与组合数学研讨会,45分钟英文邀请报告“Cycles in Generalized Petersen Graphs”.

14. 2018.11,苏州大学,江苏省运筹学会学术年会,邀请报告“Cycles in bipartite tournaments and an auxiliary graph”.

15. 2018.10,访问暨南大学,1小时报告“Cycles in multipartite tournaments”.

16. 2018.9,访问华中师范大学,1小时报告“Hamiltonicity, cycles and paths in digraphs”.

17. 2018.9,访问华南农业大学,1小时报告“二部竞赛图的圈性质和辅助图类”.

18. 2018.7,青海师范大学,图论,人工智能与复杂网络国际研讨会,邀请报告“Cycles of Many Lengths in Bipartite Tournaments and Auxiliary Graphs”.

19. 2018.7,中山大学,2018广东省组合图论会议,邀请报告“Cycles and Paths of Many Lengths in Digraphs”.

20. 2018.5,访问南京师范大学,1小时报告“Hamiltonicity and Cycles/Paths of Every length in Digraphs”.

21. 2018.4,中山大学,广州离散数学论坛,1小时报告“Triangle Strings and An Augmentation Theorem for Vertex-Disjoint Triangle Sets”.

22. 2018.4,郑州大学,2018图论与组合数学青年学者研讨会,邀请报告“Cycles and Paths of Many Lengths in Digraphs”.

23. 2017.12,访问南京师范大学,1小时报告“Cycles and Paths of Many Lengths in Tournaments and 2-Paths”.

24. 2017.12,访问山东大学,1小时报告“Hamiltonicity and Cycle/Path Extension in Digraphs”.

25. 2017.11,访问兰州大学,1小时报告“Cycles and Paths in Digraphs”.

26. 2017.10,中山大学,广州离散数学论坛,1小时报告“Cycle Problems and Path Problems in Digraphs”.

27. 2017.4,西安交通大学,第七届西安图论与组合数学研讨会,邀请报告“Paths and Cycles in Digraphs and Random Digraphs”.

28. 2017.3,复旦大学上海数学中心,Young Graph Theorists Workshop,邀请报告“Cycle Extendability in Bipartite Tournaments and an Auxiliary Graph”.

29. 2016.6,厦门大学,图与扭结国际学术研讨会,英文邀请报告“Extension of cycles and paths in digraphs and random digraphs”.

30. 2014.9,访问南京师范大学,1小时报告“Triangle string and an augmentation theorem for vertex-disjoint triangle sets”.

31. 2014.4,访问马来西亚马来亚大学,1小时英文报告“Triangle strings and an augmentation theorem for independent triangle sets”.

32. 2012.10,浙江师范大学,图论、组合及其应用国际会议,25分钟英文报告“Triangle strings: structures for augmentation of vertex disjointed triangle sets”.

33. 2012.7,访问马来西亚马来亚大学,1小时英文报告“Equivalence among matching extendibility, factor-criticality and strong connectivity”.

34. 2010.7,法国巴黎11大,第8届法国组合数学会议. 25分钟英文报告“Matching Alternating Hamilton Cycles in Bipartite Graphs”.