





















2.主持广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目“分段光滑奇异摄动系统的动力学行为及分支问题”,经费10, 2017,5-2020,5. 在研

3.主持广州市科技计划项目“分段个光滑微分系统的高阶平均法及其极限环分支问题”,经费20, 2017,1-2019,12. 在研


1. Shimin Li, Yulin Zhao and Jun Li, On the number of limit cycles of perturbed cubic polynomial differential center, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 404(2013), 212-220.

2. Jun Li, Yulin Zhao and Shimin Li, Fast and slow dynamics of Malaria model with relapse, Mathematics Biosciences, 246(2013), 94-104.

3. Shimin Li and Yulin Zhao, Limit cycles of perturbed cubic isochronous center via the second order averaging method, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 24(2014), 8 pages.

4. 李时敏, 赵育林, 岑秀丽, 一类不连续平面二次微分系统的极限环, 中国科学:数学, 45(2015), 43-52.

5. Shimin Li, Yulin Zhao and Zhaohong Sun, On the limit cycles of planar polynomial system with non-rational first integral via averaging method at any order, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 256(2015), 876-880.

6. Shimin Li and Changjian Liu, A linear estimate of the number of limit cycles for some planar piecewise smooth quadratic differential system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 428(2015), 1354-1367.

7. Shimin Li and Tiren Huang, Limit cycles for piecewise smooth perturbations of a cubic polynomial differential center, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 108(2015), 17 pages.

8. 李时敏, 一类不连续广义Lienard微分系统的极限环分支, 中山大学学报(自然科学版), 54(2015), 15-18.

9. Shimin Li and Kuilin Wu, On the limit cycles bifurcating from piecewise quasi-homogeneous differential center, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 26(2016), 10 pages.

10. 李时敏,岑秀丽,一类二次等时系统在不连续二次多项式扰动下的极限环分支, 数学物理学报, 36(2016), 919-927.

11.  Kuilin Wu and Shimin Li, Limit cycles for perturbing Hamiltonian system inside piecewise smooth polynomial differential system, Advances in Difference Equations , (2016)2016, 8 pages.

12. Shimin Li and Yulin Zhao, Quasi normal sectors and orbits in regular critical directions of planar system, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B. 38(2017), 1179-1196.

13. Shimin Li, Xiuli Cen and Yulin Zhao, Bifurcation of limit cycles by perturbing piecewise smooth integrable non-Hamiltonian systems, Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Applications, 34(2017), 140-148.

14. Xiuli Cen, Shimin Li and Yulin Zhao, On the number of limit cycles for a class of discontinuous quadratic differential systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 449 (2017), 314-342.

15. Yanqin Xiong, Jianqiang Hu, Shimin Li and Jingzheng Li, Center problem for quasi-homogeneous polynomial systems with a given weight degree, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28(2018), 10pages.

16. Shimin Li and Jaume Llibre, Phase portraits of piecewise linear continuous differential systems with two zones separated by a straight line, Journal of Differential Equations, 266(2019), 8094-8109.

17. Shimin Li and Jaume Llibre, On the limit cycles of planar discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with a unique equilibrium, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 24(2019), 5885-5901.

18. Shimin Li and Jaume Llibre, Phase portraits of piecewise linear continuous Lienard differential systems with three zones, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 120(2019), 149-157.

19. 李时敏,Jaume Llibre, 一类pitchfor分支的全局相图, 中国科学:数学,49(2019), 1201-1208.

20. Feng Li and Shimin Li, Integrability and limit cycles in cubic Kukles systems with a nilpotent singular point, Nonlinear Dynamics, 96(2019),553-563.

21. Tao Liu, Feng Li, Yirong Liu, Shimin Li and Jing Wang, Bifurcation of limit cycles and center problem for p:q homogeneous weight systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 46(2019), 257-273.





22. 201510月被聘为广东财经大学杰出青年教师校长特聘教授。

23. 2014-2015年度,2016-2017年度,广东财经大学考核优秀。

24. 2015-2016年度,2016-2017年度,广东财经大学“教学质量优秀奖”。

25. 指导学生获得第十四届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖。