题 目:Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Equations with Singularities
报告人:李恒光 教授
时 间:2017年5月26日9:00-11:00
地 点:北2-503

Professor Hengguang Li received his Ph.D. in Mathematics at The Pennsylvania State University in 2008. Before coming to Wayne State University in 2011, Professor Li was a Philip T. Church Postdoc Fellow at the Department of Mathematics, Syracuse University 2008-2010 and an IMA Postdoc Fellow at Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota 2010 - 2011. Professor Hengguang Li’s research focuses on numerical analysis and scientific computing, including the development of innovative techniques for performing computations across multiple scientific disciplines. More specifically, Professor Li’s research has attracted a great amount of interest due to its broad applicability to physics, engineering, finance and several other fields. His techniques are internationally recognized and used in the design and implementation of new algorithms for approximating equations with singular solutions. To date, he has published more than 30 peer-reviewed papers and raised more than $600,000 to support his research from various agencies such as NSF, AFOSR, and NSFC.